Fun (coding) projects

Interactive podcast transcript; quickly save highlights


  • Mock-up a new concept for an interactive podcast transcript
  • Super quickly and easily save highlights (on mobile)
  • Include chapter marks, with images and links at time-stamps mentioned (use QR code to open in podcast app to see this)


Live demo – including episode with chapter marks:

How I built it

  • This was my first time using React
That's open-source – see link to github from that page.
This was also my first time ever building something in React!

Kindle highlights, using Webflow


  • Share your Kindle highlights in a visually pleasing way
  • Use Webflow as to make the UI – simple no-code, WYSIWYG editor

Result - live demo

How I built it

  • Webflow as UI
  • Cloudflare Worker for dynamically injecting the quotes into the Webflow UI template (I didn't use Webflow CMS)
  • Cloudflare Workers KV for storing the highlights
    • I hadn't used them before, and they provide very fast data load speed, since they're on the edge alongside the worker

Selenium bot to withdraw money


  • Withdraw the maximum amount of money from an online savings account when certain conditions are met


  • Selenium bot
  • Worked well, withdrew thousands of pounds over many small withdrawals
  • Amount withdrawn was £xxx.yy where yy, number of pennies, matched the withdrawal number (modulo 100), to make it easier to track multiple small withdrawals to the one bank account
  • Very quick and dirty – I didn't have a persistent log of progress other than email alerts for each withdrawal, and it was a bit clumsy to restart (you had to manually reset the "start" withdrawal number)

How I built it

That's open-source – see link to github from that page.
This was also my first time ever building a bot with Selenium