Use free Voxengo plugin called SPAN to analyze the frequency of your kick sample.
Note that for Logic Pro you should download the AU,AAX package, not VST.
from https://www.voxengo.com/#:~:text=Note%20that%20for%20Logic%20Pro,caused%20by%20plugin's%20own%20bug.

In my case, the book (Attack p12) told me they thought the fundamental note was A#... but to me the peak looked more like a Cā¦ a whole two semit-tones up! I had to agree that the bassline sounded better when tuned to A# rather than C, but I couldn't see why they concluded it was A#.
To me, the peak looked further to the right, more like C. This is like the image in the book:

What helped me was clicking settings and turning grid size up to 16,000 or 8,000 from ~2000 AND increase the average time all the way up to 10,000.

Now I could re-assure myself that A# is the lowest note.
Note, if grid size is high and average size low, I could almost convince myself it was A natural:

InTheMix has a video example at 8'50"

Mark's impression
I found it tough to trust the graphic. Depending on which way I dial the resolution (grid size), average time and smoothing, I can manipulate the graph into telling me the fundamental note is anything from an A all the way to a C.
More reliable was to actually trust my ear, using CMD-Click, quickly trying with and without a narrow filter.
As per this video:
Chile CMD-clicking, I can change the width of the